How to Format a Nonfiction Manuscript

One of the first challenges a writer faces is how to format a manuscript. Below are steps that will take you through how to format a nonfiction manuscript and make it industry standard. If your intentions are to submit your … [Read more...]

Dialogue Punctuation

One of the major areas I find punctuation problems is in dialogue. This is because some of the dialogue punctuation rules are confusing, ignored or subjective. So let's aim to cut down some of that confusion by focusing on issues … [Read more...]

Roadblocks That Prevent You Writing

Along the writing path you may happen along some roadblocks. Thoughts like ‘I can't write a book’ and ‘My ideas aren't good enough’ may haunt you. This is our mind playing tricks and as writers we need to be able to face these … [Read more...]

Novel Writing Tips: How to Avoid a Sagging Middle

What is a sagging middle? It’s when our body reminds us about how much we ate at the party the night before. Ok, ok, not that sagging middle. What I’m actually referring to, is when the middle section of a novel (found … [Read more...]