How to Use Dialogue Tags

Dialogue tags tell the reader which character is speaking and when. Without dialogue tags it can become a game of 'who's speaking'. It's a very common writing device used in most books. So what exactly is a dialogue … [Read more...]

Don’t Use Weak Qualifiers in Writing

You may be asking what a qualifier is. This is a word or phrase that either intensifies or softens the impact of neighbouring words. Some qualifiers can have the effect of weakening your manuscript by making you seem unsure of … [Read more...]

Show, Don’t Tell

When you hear someone say show, don't tell they are referring to a common story-telling device used in writing. Generally speaking it's sound advice. The problem with this advice is the ‘don't tell’ part. What it really … [Read more...]

How to Create a Book Title

Remember when you had to create a book title for your first book? Perhaps you're about to? One of the hardest things to do as a writer is figure out how to create a book title that suits your book. You may be one of those … [Read more...]