Writing Prompt Friday #11

Welcome to Better Scribe’s Writing Prompt Friday. This is where I post a prompt (every Friday) for you to use as a writing exercise. You will also get to read my own (unedited) response to the same prompt.

Your writing prompt is:Writing Prompt

My response to the prompt is:

Anything could be behind this door. I’m only limited by what my imagination comes up with. It could be a crime scene, zombies, a coven of witches, fairies, or a dysfunctional family.

It could be an ordinary family. But even those that are supposedly “normal” humans are very individual creatures. Even identical twins have differences in their personalities (or I hope they do).

Behind the door lived twin girls. They were identical in every way. One would start a sentence but they would both finish it. Anyone who talked to them was left with the feeling that they were hearing a surround-sound echo. The two girls mirrored each other’s movements perfectly.

Having been separated into two beings in the womb, it was like they were trying to combine into one being once more. 

How did you go with the prompt?

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